Measure Business Performance

Measure Business Performance

Measure Business Performance – What you measure is what you get!

Measure Business Performance

It can’t be that simple, you might argue— but psychologists and economists will tell you it is. Human beings adjust behaviour based on the metrics they’re held against. Anything you measure will impel a person to optimize his score on that metric. What you measure is what you’ll get. Period. – Dan Ariely Harvard Business Review June 2010

Another version of the popular saying is “You get what you measure!” So this begs the question – what do you measure to know how your business is performing?

This is all about measurement – you need to know what to measure in your business while ensuring these measures are meaningful, targeted, aligned with your goals, and taking you in the right direction. You also need to ensure the cost of getting your data doesn’t outweigh the value of the data you are generating.

The next critical point? Does your team understand the measures? Do they know why those metrics are important?

Another critical point – is everything aligned in your business? Is there a flow through your key documents? Does your business plan align with your performance measures, then with your staff performance assessment documents, their job descriptions and employment agreements? If not – are you inadvertently shooting yourself in the foot?

Once you have that data, how are you going to use it? Do you know which measures are important to your business? Lets talk.

Take Action

I offer a free no obligation 30 minute video conference session to show you how my experience can help you to accurately Measure Business Performance. Click HERE to book in your video Conference now!

My performance management experience...

  • Redesigned the Northland Labour Market Development Plan for the inter-agency forum to enable measurement of results – redeveloped from 53 separate activities into 5 measurable projects
  • MSD – consistently designed employment programmes to consistently secured more MSD funding per head of population than any other region in New Zealand
  • Russia – New Business Development Project, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Designed and implemented a number of large projects that were unique within MSD. Their success was largely due to the continuous risk management and mitigation. MSD tends to be risk adverse. It was the continuous measuring, monitoring, communication and adaptation where necessary that allowed the results to be achieved.
  • The Correspondence School – where one major facet of the cultural change was to focus on the needs of the student rather than the marking requirements of the teacher. The success of this was reflected in the subsequent ERO report
  • Designed, developed and implemented a number of performance management systems for a range of organisations which resulted in clearer performance standards and productivity gai